Concussion services
A concussion is a ...................
Symptoms of concussion:
What to do if you think you may have sustained a concussion:
What we can do to help:
A crown, otherwise known as a cap, is custom-fitted to your bite and is placed over your natural tooth or dental implant. We recommend this procedure for those who have an intact tooth without root rot. The tooth may be damaged or decayed on the surface.
We will reduce the problematic tooth for a proper crown fit
An impression will be taken of your bite for crown fabrication
The color of porcelain prosthetics can then be customized
We will fit you with a temporary crown until the lab makes your permanent one
- You will come in again for permanent crown fitting
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Etiam viverra nunc sit amet est tincidunt, quis lobortis elit sodales. Praesent lacus risus, varius tempus eleifend et, iaculis vitae nisi. Vivamus eleifend odio ac pretium sodales. Duis a augue erat. Vestibulum at libero bibendum, vestibulum metus vitae.
To replace a missing tooth that has neighboring teeth with decay and/or large fillings, or a tooth that has been missing for a long time (i.e., with gum recession around the area), we recommend bridges as opposed to dental implants.
Types of Bridges:
- Traditional — Caps are bonded over teeth that lie on either side of the missing one
- Cantilever — Cap is bonded over a single tooth next to the missing one
- Resin-bonded — Porcelain or plastic teeth with gums that are supported by metal “wings”
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Duis rhoncus aliquam odio. Vivamus semper rutrum rutrum. Maecenas sit amet urna non nibh consectetur suscipit. Nullam venenatis, ipsum ac pharetra elementum, neque quam elementum odio, a varius odio ante a arcu.
If you’re looking to cosmetically correct or enhance the appearance of one or more teeth, we suggest veneers. They are very thin, porcelain or resin shells that you can customize in color and shape. They are non-invasive and are resistant to future stains.
Common uses for veneers:
- Chipped or broken teeth
- Misshapen or irregular teeth
- Teeth that do not respond to traditional whitening treatments
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Integer eu accumsan lacus. In dapibus urna non lorem dictum, ac laoreet ante malesuada. Pellentesque euismod rhoncus odio, ut rutrum ex maximus non. Suspendisse faucibus orci tortor, sit amet imperdiet nulla bibendum.